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Practical tips

Practical tips


LinkedIn is the professional network par excellence. Your professional contacts will visit your profile in search of more information on your professional activity or that of Manusa. It is therefore essential to give a good first impression. This is even more possible if you follow the recommendations below.


Always refer to the company profiles with which you are connected. To do so, simply place the @ in front of its name
@ This symbol @ is used when mentioning an individual, company, university or any other type of entity on social media, as well as when searching for a contact or tagging that contact in a photo. Always start by entering @ and then the name of the individual or company.
, checking first that the company has an official page on the platform’s search bar.

You can create lines of conversation, known as hashtags, which are entered with the symbol #. If you want to discuss innovation, sustainability or security, for example, simply write #innovation, #sustainability or #security in your post.


As with companies, you can name your contacts by placing an
@ This symbol @ is used when mentioning an individual, company, university or any other type of entity on social media, as well as when searching for a contact or tagging that contact in a photo. Always start by entering @ and then the name of the individual or company.
in front of their name. Naming your contacts in conversations that are relevant to them promotes
networkingThis involves the network of people and organisations with which relationships can be established to meet common goals on the internet.
y la reciprocidad. You can search for contacts by entering their name and the company where they work on the search bar.

Taking part in groups. You can search for groups with your subjects of interest on the search bar (in the example: accessibility). Taking part in groups is positive, as the community will share your concerns and the content is adapted to suit your motivations, generating reciprocity and healthy professional relationships.


Sharing knowledge is one of the main virtues of social media, and one of the aspects in which LinkedIn wants to stand out. The business-related network par excellence seeks to become the hub of knowledge and progress, so sharing this is highly approved by the network of users.


Use all the resources of the platform. From making surveys to the possibility of sharing content in PDF,
slideshareThis is a social network designed to store and share professional presentations from companies and academics.
, vIdeo, image, GIF. LinkedIn has gradually included a great many possibilities to make your content more attractive. Make the most of it!

Interact politely, honestly, sincerely, respectfully and with tolerance. As all the manuals say, common sense is essential in digital coexistence. Acts responsibly and with digital courtesy, remembering that not only are you representing yourself but also a group that shares values and a professional attitude.


Interact with the professional profiles with which you believe it is strategic to maintain interaction. This will also educate the LinkedIn algorithm.


Post 1 to 4 photos. You should post horizontal images, which are easier to view on the platform. The ideal number is 1 to 3.


Complete the ALT of the images you share, as this provides greater scope. You can add a brief description to improve the positioning of these images.


Define your professional title properly, as this will play a key role in the search engines. Enter your full name and your professional category.


Complete the “About”, combining the narration of your career with hints of your private life. The virtue lies in the balance. This is the space where people from your professional environment want to learn more about you.


Make sure you have a good introductory image. Choose a good profile photo, with enough light, a plain background, and make sure you have a good posture. A first impression, as we said before, is often what counts, and that’s also true in the professional world.


Complete your featured profile with articles, posts, videos and images relating to your professional activity. This part of the profile shows your achievements and milestones, and sends traffic to your web spaces of reference. Don’t hesitate to use it to list all the digital presence of Manusa.


Write articles. The tool has the option of writing articles of interest in blog format, adapting the platform content and giving it an attractive appearance. This is an option for generating conversation and affinity with your community.


Personalise your URL. The url, which is the address used to access your profile, is essential in ensuring search engines show your profile. Make sure it is a friendly URL, i.e. Includes your forename and surname. It’s better to have than

Write your profile in several languages. The platform allows you to upload your profile in several languages, adapting it to the language of the browser. This option will catapult your profile internationally and into different markets.


Recommend and request recommendations from among your contents.


Embellish your achievements and milestones on your profile with multimedia material.


Remember that the entire profile is a hodgepodge of keywords that are collected by the robots that determine positioning. Each word you use is valuable. Be careful with your language, and give it variety and density to ensure you profile is in a top position.


Add a personal touch. Talking about your hobbies, your volunteer work, how you spend your free time, or your aspirations give your profile authenticity and credibility. Don’t hesitate to discuss them. A professional connection with people, not machines, is sought on LinkedIn.


A Twitter acts as a
microbloggerThese are platforms where you can share updates and information, just like in a blog but with a limited number of characters.
in which organisations and users inform the community of their most relevant news and services, and interact with users. Twitter is not only a news network but also a communication and a public assistance channel. Understanding the trends of the community and how it works open up a wide range of opportunities.

Biography. Describe yourself in a simple, informal and professional manner. You community will therefore recognise you immediately and associate your professional activity and most noteworthy hobbies.


Provide value. On Twitter, users primarily look for news and content of interest.


Name the entities and users with which Manusa has a relationship, encouraging participation and creating a healthy community. You can name any user or corporate account by placing an
@ This symbol @ is used when mentioning an individual, company, university or any other type of entity on social media, as well as when searching for a contact or tagging that contact in a photo. Always start by entering @ and then the name of the individual or company.
before the user name.

Discuss the trends related to Manusa’s sector and use hot topic hashtags if you believe they fit in well with the conversation. Manusa works on its brand positioning territories through hashtags. Examples: #security, #accessibility, #inclusion, #adaptability, #internationalisation, and others.


Interact with your community, be approachable and friendly. Try to answer the accounts that have interacted with you relatively quickly.


Do not play along with trolls, as they are a source of toxicity.


Use a style similar to the one proposed by Manusa in your posts, wherever possible, to convey confidence and certainty in your professional relationships.


Update with moderation and proportionately. Just like in almost all social networks, the quality of hits is better than the quantity.


Audio-visual content plays an increasingly important role on the platform. Remember it should only last for one minute. Be precise and brief when creating a video.


Be regular. Twitter is a network with a very short-term memory and requires constant stimulation. As such, requires regularity from its users.


Post, but also share. The network likes and rewards generosity through posts, entities and users. You can share with a Retweet or Quote Tweet.


Make lists of subjects of interest, professionals, user types, news, etc.


Before you tweet, revise the content in full and consider its suitability.


Instagram is a rapidly expanding platform and social network based on the power of the image. Here are some tips on its use.


Be very visual, as that’s the purpose of the platform. Share content that is visually attractive.


Investigate the hashtags related to your post, which are those sorted by the Instagram algorithm.


Use all the audio-visual resources available (
storiesThese are the audio-visual content created for the platform that are visible for a certain length of time, 24 hours as of their posting, and that consist of many different options to create attractive content and trigger interest among the audience..
, micro-videos, infographics, montages, etc.)

storiesThese are the audio-visual content created for the platform that are visible for a certain length of time, 24 hours as of their posting, and that consist of many different options to create attractive content and trigger interest among the audience..
. They are currently the major driving force of Instagram. They are posted for 24 h. and are not permanent.

Use reels. These are 15-second micro-videos on all types of animation and resource to make content more attractive.


Name entities and people related to your activity. There is an increasing number of Instagram users. Remember to put the
@ This symbol @ is used when mentioning an individual, company, university or any other type of entity on social media, as well as when searching for a contact or tagging that contact in a photo. Always start by entering @ and then the name of the individual or company.
in front!

You can record live videos using Instagram Live.


Search for and connect with valuable contacts.

*To connect to the Manusa profile on Instagram, it’s: @Manusa_co.


Interact with the community. Interaction is essential on the platform.


Link the latest news to your profile. The platform allows you to link an url to your bio. You can use this to include news and feed traffic to your web.


Be creative with your Timeline. (profile where you post your photos and videos).

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