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Manusa 2.0

Manusa 2.0

Manusa’s activity as a company no longer makes sense without its digital presence. We have been involved in positioning the company and ensuring the fame and influence of Manusa for years now, both in the sector and beyond it.

Our organisation now has an extremely well positioned website, we develop quality content for the blog, we are present on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram), and all our activity is preceded by a corporate strategy that ensures our values are recognised as our own in the digital ecosystem.

Our channels, the positioning strategy, and our activity on each platform are shown below, along with an explanation of the characteristics of each one.


Browse and find out about all the information relating to the brand in its main on-line communication channel.

The website is Manusa’s place of reference on the internet and is designed in several language to reach audiences from around the world. It is the place our community should visit for first-hand knowledge of our products and services. It also acts as the company’s portfolio to show its projects, and is the main space to display its distinguishing features.

You can also remain up to date on company news and activities, such as launch of new products, participation in sector-based events or collaborations between Manusa and other institutions, among others.

It is the channel informing of the official stance of the company in the event of any extraordinary matters (such as the health crisis), and where you can read its public statements on these issues.

Our corporate website includes all business activity and we are committed to regularly updating it to ensure the transparency of and access to information by anyone interested in the company.

The site is regularly positioned using specialist criteria to guarantee it is included in the main search engines. The Manusa website connects with many different web spaces related to smart accesses.

The channel par excellence where we are able to work on brand positioning in search engines. This space shows the latest features, the current news, new products, projects and services, or the latest press releases. All this can be found on the “news” tab of our website. It is also an area where unique content is posted in relation to our sectors of activity, enabling us to attract new customers. Blog users often use it by searching for keywords in the search engines. The blog content is a showcase of our
expertiseThis is often used in business to refer to any characteristics, skills or knowledge that tells experts apart from novices in a certain human activity.
and informs any internet user of our role in the sector and of all the possibilities our company has to offer. In terms of strategy, the blog enables us to position all our services and products, and acts as a link to sites involving commercial activities and to build a reasonable
web architectureThis is the hierarchisation of information on a website. Just as traditional architecture works on the structure of a building (whether a home, building or lounge), web architecture works on the structure of a website and the categories forming it to ensure its optimal positioning in search engines.
that is attractive to search engines and to the communities in which we are involved. It is a fundamental part of our strategy, and we work on and distribute its content using Inbound,
LinkbuildingThis marketing technique consists of creating external links for a domain to generate web authority and, therefore, improve it in the different search engines, whether Google, social media or other sites of interest that contain a search engine.
and Social Media strategies. To make browsing easier, we divide the tabs into: Projects | Sectors | Thematic

Over the past two years, this social network has become a new work tool for most professional profiles.

It is the business-oriented social network par excellence. Over 700 million users certify as such. Not only is it a platform used to search for employment, but is primarily a space where professionals can connect to share knowledge, find business opportunities, and distribute valuable content relating to their professional activity to enhance their profile. As the saying goes, not being on LinkedIn is not an option these days.

Companies have intensified their presence on the network over recent years. Manusa has been working constantly on it for the past five years to ensure its position as one of the leading companies in the smart access sector. We post regularly, adapting these posts to our brand positioning territories, acknowledging international activity, and seeking to provide value to the community.

The brand image has been enhanced on the internet thanks to the combined work of all company profiles. What is more,
brand ambassadors A brand ambassador is a person who promotes a company’s culture, values, purpose, mission and also its services and/or products. They increase company sales as brand awareness grows. Any person in the organisation is a potential brand ambassador
came into play a few years ago. Company employees with a great affinity with the company, true to its values, and capable of positioning the brand thanks to their individual voice among their LinkedIn communities. Hence, what we recognise as
employer brandingThe use of a group of activities among the employees in your company to promote greater wellbeing, engagement and loyalty of the talent.
brand ambassadors A brand ambassador is a person who promotes a company’s culture, values, purpose, mission and also its services and/or products. They increase company sales as brand awareness grows. Any person in the organisation is a potential brand ambassador.
has become popular, providing the employees of the organisation with knowledge and resources to amplify the voice of the brand. Sometimes in his or her own areas of work, and sometimes within the general context of the brand. This enhances the credibility and fame of the professional profile and, therefore, the corporate profile of the company. This generates internal and external benefits,
ingagementThis comes from the term engagement, and is the degree of commitment and identification of people with the organisation with which they work.
engagementIt is the capacity of a product (a brand, a blog, an app) to create solid, long-lasting relationships with its users, generating this commitment established between the brand and consumers.
, for both the professional and the company.

Manusa seeks to stand out in the sector and become a benchmark for the digital community involved in smart accesses. Over the coming years, it will make every effort to involve company personnel in meeting this goal, providing them with the knowledge and tools to ensure they can develop and to provide them with a good understanding of the platform’s codes. Different training activities on the use of digital channels will be made available for this purpose.

LinkedIn is primarily used to:

Important: LinkedIn is not a direct sales space, it is a space to generate valuable relationships. LinkedIn is not used to sell, but to show your reliability, your experience, and your quality as a professional. It is used to attract the attention of anyone potentially interested in the company. Direct sales are considered
SPAMThis is used to refer to an undesired e-mail that is not requested and involves an unknown sender, sent to a large number of users. It basically means invasive advertising.
, which is malpractice on social media. Conclusion: LinkedIn is used to provide value.
This is a social network where architects, designers and other profiles are most active, discussing the latest trends and breaking news. Twitter is a network that offers news at immense speed, great professional possibilities, and many valuable accounts to share quality content. It is, however, also a network that leads to major corporate communication crises, where fake news abounds and you must be able to separate the dirt from the diamonds. It is important to be fully aware of this network’s codes and use them constructively through simple, effective communication. Contacts on this platform might stand out more for their quality than their quantity in such a specialist sector as ours. It is therefore worthwhile encouraging valuable, niche contacts that generate ‘
win to winThis is any agreement between companies or individuals in which both parties benefit in some area of their activity.
’ relationships.

Manusa has also closely identified its type of target professional, and posts actions to provide them with information and content of interest. Draftspeople, architects, technicians, builders, quantity surveyors, site managers, etc. are Manusa’s target audience on this social network. Warning: There are a great many
trollThis is a user who seeks to provoke, offend or worse conversation within an on-line community in an intentional and public manner, whether this community is a blog, forum or social network.
and anonymous users on Twitter and their activity might be toxic. We recommend always checking the identity of the individuals or entities that we contact and establish healthy relationships, always in a professional context. We also recommend understanding what is fake news and how to detect it and protect yourself from it. Fake news is harmful to society.

This is the most visual social network where people feel more comfortable about interacting. Corporate culture is promoted on this platform. It is where the more humane side of companies is shown.

The social network has grown in influence over the past few years and primarily connects with young audiences, although it has widened its social base. It basically involves audio-visual content created by users, and often generates significant interaction among communities. A growing number of companies use Instagram to contact with people. According to the latest statistics, it is thought to bring together around 1 billion active users each month.

It is an optimistic, lively and happy social network. Organisations must remain in line with this. B2B companies are not on Instagram for direct sales but to show how they operate inside, and to connect with their communities through their values and their way of operating in the world. It is an essential tool for showing all the value of their workforce and the unique features this workforce offers the organisation.

The type of content is of a more informal, friendly tone, and its language codes are more creative. The platform consists of hundreds of resources and plug-ins that lead to creativity playing a vital role when showing content.

The updates therefore delve deeper into life in the company, charity initiatives, shared values, days to remember, and projects involving Manusa people.

The fact that the average age of platform users is 35 and those using it are mostly people aged between 16 and 30 makes it an essential tool for attracting talent to organisations.


This social network is the best platform to display the projects and innovations of Manusa.

Audio-visual content is widespread. Manusa combines all its videos on the platform with the largest number of users worldwide in terms of audio-visual content, Youtube. This network particularly connects with Generation Z, known as “digital natives”.

In a world where content is leaning increasingly towards audio-visual matter, Manusa must be present and show the innovation, modernity and adaptability of its projects. These formats mean that the essence of extremely complex projects can be concentrated into just a few seconds, making them essential for communication.

We position our services and products on this network through content that is in line with the codes of the platform and that involves great planning behind each video posted.

They are direct pieces with effects and music that have been especially selected for the occasion. We broadcast Youtube content on the other platforms to provide stakeholders and customers with a more visual, direct way of seeing our projects. The Manusa channel now includes videos in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

This is the Manusa Youtube channel.

Google Business
Positioning on search engines is now an essential requirement for brand positioning. Manusa works locally and internationally through a positioning strategy involving all its
stakeholders These include the different groups of people who have an impact on a company. For example, employees, suppliers, shareholders or even the Government can be considered company stakeholders.
. Google is the most popular search engine in the world, and Manusa works on its account to ensure it is in one of the top positions, linking it with its keywords, location, and international activity. Manusa also tries to answer every comment it receives from different users via Google Business. This channel’s activity is therefore actively listened to, and the company seeks to convey a personalised, approachable customer/user service.

Wikipedia is a web space of reference in the digital realm. It is designed to share knowledge, just like an encyclopaedia.

The specific nature and characteristics of our market, which has its own, very specialised jargon, led us to create a space that mimicked this place of reference but in relation to smart accesses. This led to the Manusa page in Wikipedia.

The page includes, in order, the terminology, institutions and players in our sector, and can be used to learn about the company’s history. This material is of great help when posting on social media.

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