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Context: Digital acceleration and social awareness

The world, already hyperconnected, needs to gain efficiency and immediacy in a context of change, where all human relations are going to happen, fundamentally, in the digital sphere. Society as a whole, from public bodies to private entities, from the young to the old, is undergoing a transformation towards a new digital era where coexistence will have new characteristics. In the business world, organisations are in the midst of a process of transformation and repositioning, boosting their digital activities and renewing their presence on the Internet. Teleworking, collaborative work tools,
webinarsThis is an online conference that yois is an online conference that you connect to using a web platform. The aim is to inform or instruct on a particular subject. The content can be work or leisure related.
, online meetings, bots, new social networks, have created a new paradigm and even a special language, forcing businesses to be more versatile and able to adapt to change.

Amongst all of a company’s profiles, brand identity is a treasure to be taken care of.

Outwardly, organisations seek to more efficiently communicate the mission, vision and values that they live inwardly, in a context of extreme social sensitivity. People have moved away from consuming products and towards brands that share their social purpose and values. Communities seek to identify with brands that help create a better world. Communities seek to identify with brands that help create a better world. The history of an organisation, its objectives, how it operates in the world and how it transmits itself will be key in facing the challenges of the future. Therefore, it is increasingly important within organisations to study communication channels and share guidelines and tools on what content to share, and how and when is best to do so.
BrandingThis is the process of defining and building a brand through the planned management of all the graphic, communication and positioning processes that are carried out.This is the process of defining and building a brand through the planned management of all the graphic, communication and positioning processes that are carried out.
or corporate image care is the face of this new digital era, where the voices of the company, known as
brand ambassadorsA brand ambassador is a person who promotes a company’s culture, values, purpose, mission and also its services and/or products. They increase company sales as brand awareness grows. Any person in the organisation is a potential brand ambassador.
, will be essential in the task of building their public perception in online communication channels. With this in mind, an in-depth guide on internet brand presence is more useful than ever. The brands raise their voice, at a time of great social relevance, to establish their own history. The creation of a corporate document containing the voice of the brand and guaranteeing good online praxis is a significant step with regards to communications, and yet another consequence of recent times. In the future, all brands will have a document that contains the voice of the heart of companies: that of the people who form them.


The main goal of these Social Media Guidelines is for everyone in Manusa to become familiar with and be able to correctly convey the mission, vision and values of the organisation in the different social networks and any communication channel. It also acts to professionally and personally link the members of the organisation (employees and distributors) with the voice of Manusa.

Respecting at all times the right to privacy and the individual use of personal profiles on social media, Manusa is providing all members of its organisation with a guide on the correct interpretation of the brand’s internet presence and the transmission of corporate information.

Consistent, impartial and respectful communication

This guide unifies and offers consistency to the company’s internet presence, connecting the people in the organisation through its corporate values, forming ties with other types of public and private entity, and giving a voice to the Manusa team through their everyday professional interactions on social media.

The advice and guidelines included in this guide will ensure the information related to Manusa surfs the net in a more truthful, organised and authentic manner, guaranteeing good praxis in the social media and keeping an eye on the brand’s reputation. This means that those interested in Manusa will perceive a consistent, reliable voice, and those forming part of the organisation will recognise their own voice in an all-encompassing corporate voice that cares for and respects it.

All Manusa distributors and stakeholders will be able to recognise the brand presence and find it with the same traits on social media, thus strengthening their relationship with the organisation.

Why Social Media Guidelines?

After IRC (Internal Reality Chat) was created in 1988, social media hybridised very quickly with the real world of business, leading organisations to continually adapt to the context of digital communications and market evolution.

The creation of a reference document that discusses a company’s social media presence is as modern as it is essential. Nowadays, the vast majority of organisations have a guide to establish its digital presence, providing guidelines and tools in line with their identity and corporate goals.

This type of document, like the one you have before you, provides major benefits for organisations. Here are the main ones.

After IRC (Internal Reality Chat) was created in 1988, social media hybridised very quickly with the real world of business, leading organisations to continually adapt to the context of digital communications and market evolution.

The creation of a reference document that discusses a company’s social media presence is as modern as it is essential. Nowadays, the vast majority of organisations have a guide to establish its digital presence, providing guidelines and tools in line with their identity and corporate goals.

This type of document, like the one you have before you, provides major benefits for organisations. Here are the main ones.

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