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This section describes all the terms related to social media that appear in this document to provide you with a better understanding of how they are used.

Web architecture: This is the hierarchisation of information on a website. Just as traditional architecture works on the structure of a building (whether a home, building or lounge), web architecture works on the structure of a website and the categories forming it to ensure its optimal positioning in search engines.
“At” sign: This symbol @ is used when mentioning an individual, company, university or any other type of entity on social media, as well as when searching for a contact or tagging that contact in a photo. Always start by entering @ and then the name of the individual or company.
Branding: This is the process of defining and building a brand through the planned management of all the graphic, communication and positioning processes implemented.
Challenges: These short format challenges are shared on the Tik Tok social network, although they can also be extrapolated to different social networks.
Claim: A claim is a phrase that discusses the features or qualities of a product within the context of an advertising campaign promoting that product or services. It is confused with the slogan, but the difference is that the slogan defines the brand itself, its philosophy or “way of being” while the claim speaks of the qualities of a service or product. Examples: Slogan: A memorable example is Nike’s hallmark phrase: Just do it. Claim: The one made by Fairy in its initial campaigns: The anti-grease miracle.
Dubbing: Content modality in Tik Tok where the user takes the voice from songs or other videos of interest and overlaps the original voice in the video, simulating talking or singing with another voice. This means you can fantasise about being a Hollywood star or a world-famous singer.
Expertise: This is often used in business to refer to any characteristics, skills or knowledge that tells experts apart from novices in a certain human activity.
Employer branding: use of a group of activities among the employees in your company to promote greater wellbeing,
engagementIt is the capacity of a product (a brand, a blog, an app) to create solid, long-lasting relationships with its users, generating this commitment established between the brand and consumers.
and loyalty of the talent.
Brand ambassadors: A brand ambassador is a person who promotes a company’s culture, values, purpose, and mission, as well as its services and/or products. They increase company sales as brand awareness grows. Any person in the organisation is a potential brand ambassador.
Engagement: It is the capacity of a product (a brand, a blog, an app) to create solid, long-lasting relationships with its users, generating this commitment established between the brand and consumers.
Hot Topic: We use this to refer on social media to a topic that is trending and everyone is talking about.
Hahstag: Hashtag is a term associated to issues or discussions that users want to index on social media by inserting the number symbol (#) before the word, phrase or expression. When the combination is posted, it becomes a hyperlink to a page with other posts related to that same issue.
Inbound Marketing: This is a marketing strategy that consists of attracting customers with useful, relevant content and adding value to each stage of the journey of the potential consumer of the company’s products or services.
Ingagement: This comes from the term
engagementIt is the capacity of a product (a brand, a blog, an app) to create solid, long-lasting relationships with its users, generating this commitment established between the brand and consumers..
, and is the degree of commitment and identification of people with the organisation with which they work.
Linkbuilding: This marketing technique consists of creating external links for a domain to generate web authority and, therefore, improve it in the different search engines, whether Google, social media or other sites of interest that contain a search engine.
Networking: This involves the network of people and organisations with which relationships can be established to meet common goals on the internet.
Microblogger: These are platforms where you can share updates and information, just like in a blog but with a limited number of characters.
Reaction Vídeo: In Tik Tok, this is the way in which content is shared in which a users records a video to react to another user’s original video.
Stakeholders: These include the different groups of people who have an impact on a company. For example, employees, suppliers, shareholders or even the Government can be considered company stakeholders.
Spam: This is used to refer to an undesired e-mail that is not requested and involves an unknown sender, sent to a large number of users. It basically means invasive advertising.
Slideshare: This is a social network designed to store and share professional presentations from companies and academics.
Instagram Stories: These are the audio-visual content created for the platform that are visible for a certain length of time, 24 hours as of their posting, and that consist of many different options to create attractive content and trigger interest among the audience.
Troll: This is a user who seeks to provoke, offend or worse conversation within an on-line community in an intentional and public manner, whether this community is a blog, forum or social network.
Webinar: You can connect to this on-line conference using a web platform. The aim is to inform or instruct on a particular subject. The content can be work or leisure related.
Win to win: This is any agreement between companies or individuals in which both parties benefit in some area of their activity.
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