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Don’t forget…

Don’t forget…

Manusa has created these Social Media Guidelines to help optimise your presence on social networks. It is a guide, but it does not include everything because Social Media is almost immeasurable. If you see something that looks strange or that you believe might harm you or our organisation, please don’t hesitate to contact the marketing department.

If you are part of the Manusa value chain, you can use the tips included in these Social Media Guidelines if you think they might be valuable and strengthen your relationship with our organisation. 

Social media presence is merely a digital extrapolation of our presence in real life. Be polite, friendly and professional, and everything will in theory be under control.

The social media is essential designed to connect people with the same centres of interest and use the evolution of technology for healthier, more fruitful relationships. All social networks want you to spend time on the platform, and that’s why they were designed. We recommend you moderate your presence and keep a balanced digital diet (just the right amount of productive time) so that you can progress in other aspects of life, such as human relationships, physical exercise or intellectual challenges.

You should also bear in mind that your presence on social media should fulfil a specific purpose. It’s not just a case of starting a profile on a social network simply because you can. Being present requires strategically maintaining and looking after your image and your reputation on the web.

We have a social responsibility in shared spaces that goes beyond being employees of a company. The digital ecosystem is a shared responsibility that will shape tomorrow’s world.

Therefore, sustainability, accessibility, innovation, shared knowledge or Corporate Social Responsibility are issues of increasing interest to audiences, particularly amidst a health crisis.

We must look after our personal data and the confidential information related to the company. Only aspects you want to be shared should be communicated, in line with company timing and in contact with the different departments.

Can we help you?

At Manusa we are aware that social media offers as many opportunities as it does risks. We therefore have a strategy and an involved team that is committed to making our digital presence as beneficial as possible for our organisation.

If you need help, have any doubts or simply want to develop your on-line presence, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll help make sure your internet presence is as healthy and satisfactory as possible. You can contact us by e-mail at

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