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General guidelines

Our activity as social media users involves an essential outlook: common sense. We must properly ascertain when we are talking in a professional capacity and when we are discussing personal issues, so that the user community is able to tell the two apart. Whichever form, you should always express yourself respectfully and with tolerance.

Manusa and I

Manusa is a group of people working on a shared professional project. When we refer to Manusa, we are referring to all those who make up the organisation, which is a key principle we must all remember. When talking about Manusa, you should do so with its values in mind, respecting its identify and conveying the real situation of the organisation.

Manusa people can share content related to the brand on social media. What’s more, we encourage you to do so. Make sure you do so responsibly, bearing in mind the collective implications this entails. Manusa is a long-term project that has been shaped over years, building a presence that has given it international prestige, credibility and reliability among its customers.

Poor content management could damage the organisation and the group of people related to it, leading to a reputational crisis.

Data security is now also an essential aspect, and an obligation and commitment for organisations. Be careful from where, when or how you use your social media, protect your data, and connect with a user community in a healthy manner.

Good Practice

Below are some tips that apply to and are useful for any social network.

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