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Digital Manusa

Digital Manusa


Manusa’s digital presence is an extension of its history and, therefore, you should know something about it.

Over fifty years ago, Josep M. Guilera Nubiola founded Manusa with the idea of creating and distributing a very simple yet robust and reliable product: mechanical gantry cranes. Within a few years, Manusa started to design and produce automatic doors and  became  one of the largest manufacturers in Europe thanks to its mixture of innovation, reliability and efficiency.

Five decades after it was founded, Manusa is now an international company and supplies to  over ninety countries worldwide. José F. Medina is the present CEO of the company, which he heads with the same spirit, embracing the challenge of continuing with the process of internationalisation and evolution through innovation. Manusa’s goal for the future is to improve people’s accessibility.

Manusa’s digital presence goes hand in hand with its growth, and has been developed with the help of professional experts in marketing, communication and Internet positioning. They have also been supported by the work of an entire team that thinks, produces and distributes the best smart accesses in line with the criteria of highly-specialised experts.


Manusa’s values define the company’s way of being and of interacting with its environment. They are the reflection of the internal culture that characterises the organisation, they guide its strategic actions, and they act as the cornerstones of its personality. These values must be present, directly or indirectly, in all corporate publications, and should serve as a roadmap for the people who make up the organisation.

The values will define public awareness of Manusa and are in line with its history, evolution and future forecast. When a member of the team wants to publish a post on any of the different social networks on behalf of the brand, they should consider these values:


We collaborate with the different stakeholders in the sector to achieve excellence in processes and to continue designing, creating and connecting smart accesses that make people’s lives easier.


We understand innovation through imagination and adaptation to change. Converting proposals into tangible, efficient and modern projects.


We exercise leadership through continuous improvement in all areas of work. We share a vision: to build effective teams and to maintain motivation and a spirit of achievement when faced with any challenge.


We are always by our customers’ side, listening to their needs and looking for the most appropriate solution.

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